Saturday, October 31, 2009

Which order to take my Bodybuilding Supplements?

My local nutrition store had a sale and I bought Hydroxycut, Cell Tech Creatine, and some NO-Explosion (NO2).I am wondering which of these three can I take at the same time. If none, which order does it make the most sense to take it to maximize gains in lean muscle and to look good as it is the summer season.
expensive crap to get your money. i try all that and waste lots n lots, now I only take protein, a multi vitamin and like my body. Donate some of that money to charity, you will see no results. Do it healthy the healthy way, work out hard.
Take the hydroxycut at regular intravals daily just as it says on the bottle. Take the NO-Ex before your workout to get the extra energy during your workout and take the creatine at the same time.
Who ever told you to buy hydroxycut and cell tech creatine and take them at the same time is a retard and should be fired from that store.
Hydroxycut is a dieretic, it will pull the water out of your muscles for a strained lean look. Cell Tech Creatine does the exact opposite. It holds water into your muscles for a fuller/stronger/bigger look. They should not be taken together, they will counteract each other and you will not get any benefits and start getting discouraged.
If you are serious about getting in shape, take the creating and the NO2 for 2 months and build some good muscle foundation. Then stop taking that and take the Hydroxycut and get some Protien supplement and take those for 6 weeks. Then take 2 weeks off with no supplements. Then repeat.
I have stacked sveral of those supplemsnts and have reviews most of them on my website. check it out at and please leave me some feedback or any supplement you would like for me to review. please look through my website and pass it on. thank you

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