Saturday, October 31, 2009

Which is the best fiber supplement?

There are some good fiber supplements on the market, but it's actually quite easy to get all the fiber you need from your diet. Eat plenty of fruit, veg and wholegrains and you'll comfortably be able to achieve the recommended intake of 25g per day.For instance, 1 apple has 4g, 3 carrots have 3g, 40g (a regular serving) of All Bran has 12g. Eat at least 5 servings of fruit and veg each day and you'll be fine.It's also important to realise that most fiber rich foods are relatively low calorie and are packed with nutrients. The fiber also bulks the food up and helps you to feel full quicker and for longer.It's also hard to overeat fiber-rich foods - try eating more than 1 or 2 apples in one sitting!If you really don't like fiber-rich foods or struggle to eat enough then a supplement might be an option. However, many fiber supplements don't actually have that much fiber in themFor more information on fiber and how to incorporate it into your diet you may find the following link helpful.
Fiber Choice - you can get it with added calcium so there is one less supplement to take.
Best bang for your buck (most amount fiber in least amount mix)- Konsyl. Recommended to me by several GI doctors.
I honestly think nothing beats a bowl of porridge, or some food high in fiber. I'm not sure about fiber supplements but it's very easy to get enough fiber in your diet as it should be a staple food item.
The nutritional information provided on those supplements don't really tell you the whole story. There's soluble fiber which helps to decrease your absorption of cholesterol but also insoluble fiber which acts as bulk to keep you regular.If possible, it's good to get your fiber from eating different plant sourches such as fresh fruits, vegetables and whole grains.

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