Saturday, October 31, 2009

Which website shoukd i go to lose weight?

www.weightwatchers.comTruly, it's the only diet that makes any sense. Permanent changes, not a quick fix.
Website? That might be your problem, Get off your computer and go do something productive.

Which type of fruits and vegetables that contain lots of fiber?

Apples, carrots, brocolli, asparagus, cauliflower, a lot of them really and most of them the skin especially. But if you want fiber I suggest eating the necessary fruits and veggies but also wheat bread, and a fiber supplement like metamucil powder or tablets and fibersure or benefiber to put in any drink or meal. I do EVERYTHING from eating fruits and veggies, to eating wheat bread, oatmeal, and taking fiber substitues. You gotta do what you can.they all lower cholesterol in a yummy way. lol
Anything with the peal left on. Stringy things like celery, kale, etc.
here you go buddy
celery=fiberorange - apple=protein vitamins
Why don't you go for ready made fiber products that only require you to mix with your drink and food. The instructions will tell you how to ensure you'll be having enough fiber.
Let me know if you need more of such information. Having sufficient fiber is important.
Hi,I am a detox specialist and I specialize in helping people get rid of their health problems.Fibre is very important and they exist in great amounts in stuff like flaxseeds, bananas etc. However, we need 25-35gms of fibre a day and it would take 5-6kg of frutis and veg to fulfill tat quota.I suggest you take a fibre product instead.I have a good one I can recommend you so tat you can clear your bowels, get rid of your lethargy, dark eye cirlces and have clearer skin :)If you are keen to find out more, you can email me at

Which Tae-Bo workout DVD worked best for you?

Im talking fat burn and muscle tone. and how long did it take to see results thanx
I couldn't say that there is a "best" DVD, but the Tae-Bo Get Ripped Advanced workouts are pretty effective when it comes to cardio. For muscle toning, I use the Billy Blanks Boot Camp Elite with the resistance bands. If you alternate them everyday for 3-4 days a week, as I've been doing, you should see results in about 4-6 weeks. By that, I meant more energy, more lean muscle mass, and less body fat. Try them out, plus they are so fun!

Which system builds more muscle mass free weights or isokinetic machines?

If you know the anwser, and there is an article about it can you please give that to me too. Please and thank you
It really depends on what your goals are and what is being done. They both have their places, strengths and weaknesses.Typically you'll see better results from free weights, especially if the goal is strength and hypertrophy. Free weights utilize three points of leverage as opposed to only two with a machine. Free weights also typically utilize more muscles in the lift. Machines have a predetermined path of movement that may be restrictive to optimal growth, and tend to isolate muscle groups more. However, machines have an advantage of avoiding regressive training, where basically you have a constant load throughout the entire range of motion you may not always get from free weights. But this can be reduced on free weights with proper training techniques.Another advantage of machines is that you usually do not need a spotter to lift safely. This isn't true with all machines but probably most have safetly mechanisms built in.For the most part, if you do utilize machines, using free weights in the beginning of your workout is optimal. Only use machines to supplement free weights.
Free weights because you have to use your isolator muscles. That means working the smaller supporting muscles, thus creating more muscle mass.

Which product has the most versatility, the newest Bowflex or the newest Total Gym XL?

For example, their actual performance and age, (how long can each last if someone does this many exercises, for both products, for the same period of time, say 10 years or more than 5 years).
For example, which product has the most number of exercises or equipment needed for it to be used to the extreme harassment.
the bowflex is better for me
I'm trying to lose weight too and it's sooo hard. My aunt is using a weight loss product and it's really working for her. I'm gonna try it and I recommend you try it too. Check their website at , my aunt got a free trial and paid only 6.95$ shipping and handling.

Which Pharmacy does its own diet?

I have been told by a friend that if your BMI is over 32 then you can go to a paticular pharmacy and you can pay 拢30 a week and they provide you with all of your food and help you through your diet, but i can't remember which pharmacy it is. if anyone has done it can they tell me which pharmacy it is please and how they got on etc
Boots the Chemist have a weight loss scheme but it includes Xenical (stops fat being absorbed) medication not food

Which order to take my Bodybuilding Supplements?

My local nutrition store had a sale and I bought Hydroxycut, Cell Tech Creatine, and some NO-Explosion (NO2).I am wondering which of these three can I take at the same time. If none, which order does it make the most sense to take it to maximize gains in lean muscle and to look good as it is the summer season.
expensive crap to get your money. i try all that and waste lots n lots, now I only take protein, a multi vitamin and like my body. Donate some of that money to charity, you will see no results. Do it healthy the healthy way, work out hard.
Take the hydroxycut at regular intravals daily just as it says on the bottle. Take the NO-Ex before your workout to get the extra energy during your workout and take the creatine at the same time.
Who ever told you to buy hydroxycut and cell tech creatine and take them at the same time is a retard and should be fired from that store.
Hydroxycut is a dieretic, it will pull the water out of your muscles for a strained lean look. Cell Tech Creatine does the exact opposite. It holds water into your muscles for a fuller/stronger/bigger look. They should not be taken together, they will counteract each other and you will not get any benefits and start getting discouraged.
If you are serious about getting in shape, take the creating and the NO2 for 2 months and build some good muscle foundation. Then stop taking that and take the Hydroxycut and get some Protien supplement and take those for 6 weeks. Then take 2 weeks off with no supplements. Then repeat.
I have stacked sveral of those supplemsnts and have reviews most of them on my website. check it out at and please leave me some feedback or any supplement you would like for me to review. please look through my website and pass it on. thank you

Which ones are better for weight training; free weights or machines?

I am getting back into workign out and I wanted to know which weights are better. Free or machines?
I'm thinking free weights as you can do them in any direction
I think machines will better
The difference is that with free weights, you have use your stabilizer muscles more to keep the weight going where you want it to, as the bar doesn't follow a fixed path (as with machines).Get someone to teach you different exercises to do with free weights. Machines are OK if you are starting out, but free weights have a better "transfer" of strength to real life.
You have less chance of hurting yourself with machines.
The difference is free weights work the secondary muscles and the machines work only the prime movers or main muscles. That means that the machine you only move the weight you do not support it. If you want a better work out use free weights. If you are alone and need a spotter then use the machines if a spotter is not available.
Definitely free weights. They make your muscles work a lot harder than machines. Machines are too structured, and do some of the work for you. I started using purely free weights and my results have improved out of sight! Good luck!

Which one of mone is the good workout routine and why do you ppl think so?

workout routine 1
Workout plan
Sunday-Biceps/Forearms/NeckMonday-RestTuesday-Legs/Quadriceps Wednesday-Chest/TricepsThursday- Running/CardioFriday-SHoulders/back/TrapsSaturday-Rest
Workout Routine 2Sunday-Full body workoutMonday-Running/cardioTuesday-RestWednesday-Full body workout and runningThursday-CardioFriday-Full body workoutSaturday-Rest
I think it depends on what your main fitness goals are. If your intent is mainly to build more muscle bulk and increase strength, then I'd recommend workout 1. If your intent is to get in better overall shape however, then I think workout 2 would be more beneficial because it contains more of a balance between strength and cardio. Personally, I think number 2 is better, because you'll be achieving more things at once, such as building endurance, and toning. I know from experience that running is an efficient way to get in better shape, and since you'll be supplementing this with other things, workout 2 would be my choice.
Good luck with your fitness goals!
i dont like either. for workout 1, you are doin biceps, forearms, and neck for a workout? there is no major muscle group there... leg day on tuesday is good, chest and tris are good, shoulders and back is ok, your traps are part of your shoulder workout anyways.. ou have the right idea with the split, but i dont see any reason to train neck.. just my opinion, how are you going to do 3 full body workouts weekly in schedule 2? thats going backwards a step.. how long have you been lifting for? are you new? if you are new, then you should be doing full body training and not worrying about the split, you confuse me.
what are your goals? the training program is based on obtaining optimum results for your goals

Which one hoodia is better?

I did a little search and I liked 2 products.
750MG Hoodoba庐
100% Pure Hoodia GORDONII succulent (stern)
60 Vegetarian Caps
South African Hoodia Gordonii (powder 750mg) Aerial parts (fingers)
they contain the same plant but I quess different parts of the plant. so which one is THE ONE?
By the way. is liquid better than the pill?
Hoodoba and Desert Burn are two of the best brands out there and the parts are equally good. Hoodia liquid is not more effective, it is just better for people that don't like to take pills. Totalink has a good non biased liquid hoodia comparison at
I've actually spoken with both companies and they both use the same exact part of the plant - the aerial stems (or also known as "fingers"). The description each company uses is slightly different but they are using the same exact part of the plant. In a nutshell, these two products are identical with one exception...Hoodoba uses veggie capsules and Desert Burn only uses gelatin capsules. Unless you have allergies to gelatin or have objections to animal-based products, they are both equally effective. In other words, one capsule isn't necessarily better than the other. It's really just a matter of personal preference. As for liquid vs. pills - definitely stick with the pills as they are more effective (and much cheaper in the long run). If you don't like to take pills, simply pull the capsules apart and mix the powder in water! Best of luck to you.Travis
In order for Hoodia Pills to work they must go through your digestive system. Not only does it take the hoodia pills longer to reach your bloodstream then a liquid does, but your digestive juices attack the hoodia losing some of the potency. With a liquid the absorption rate is 95 鈥?98%, while with pills it is only 2 鈥?20% maximum. Pills are also sometimes hard to swallow but a liquid hoodia can be taken by putter a dropper full under your tongue or mixing in a glass of water or juice. Plus liquid hoodia also tastes good. I like the hoodia at
You can easily see why the hoodia liquid is clearly the better choice.
You can read a good article about how it works at:
I have heard that desertburn and hoodoba are among the best brands but havent tried them personally.I think they should be containing the same parts of the plant .As for me, personally I like the liquid better because it worked for me. Pill was like so so.I am using the hoodithin liquid and I am happy with it.Hope this helps.
You can read more about my results with the liquid here --

Which one burns more calories?

Running on a treadmill or skipping rope?
Treadmill = 400Calories/20mins
SkipRope = 1200Calories/20mins
^ I was told.
well i would say jumproping because ure whole body is constitly moving when you are doing this. i would also reccomend the treadmill though because it does not tire u *** much.
jumproping definately!
skipping rope burns more calories but running is less tiring
Skipping rope doesn't burn that many calories.Also, running on a treadmill doesn't burn 400 calories in 20 minutes unless you are at a maximum incline and speed.
You will not burn 400 calories on the treadmill for 20 minutes. Average is about 200-300 on the treadmill for 20 minutes unless you're sprinting for all of those minutes.
both numbers seem really overstated. treadmill - around 600 - 800 calories per hour. skipping rope - probably more, but not 3 times more!

Which of the following foods does the most damage to the body?

red meats
refined sugary foods and drinks
refined sugary foods and drinks
refined sugars.the body is a natural processor for meats, cheese,and fish.however the body has a very difficult time processing refined sugars
refined sugary foods and drinks are the worst

Which nut has the most fat?

which nut is the most nutritious
the one w/ the most Fat is the macadamia nut. The healthest one possibly the almond
I read somewhere the brazil nut.
I think the nut with the most fat is Rosie O'Donnell.Most nutritious nut is Richard Simmons.
I thought it may be macadamia
Rosie O Donnell that's hilarious.I would have guessed the almond to be most fattening but still nutritious... who knows!

Which meat is the healthiest to eat?

chicken breasts!
I heard turkey is less fat then any other meat but i prefer chicken yummy
fish hands down
Well, any meat is more healthy when eaten grilled and not fried.I don't know if you consider fish a meat (I know a lot of people don't), but that, I think, is the most healthy for you.
Fish is one of the healthiest meats. It is actually recommended by the American Heart Association that people with heart disease eat fish at least once a week.
may be eaten as steaks, roasts, sausages and ground meat. Organ meats are sometimes eaten, but would not be called venison; rather, they are called humble, as in the phrase "humble pie." Venison is lower in calories, cholesterol and fat than most cuts of beef, pork, or lamb. According to the USDA Nutrient Database (2007), cooked lean venison contains approximately 150 calories per 100g/3.5oz serving, and is a useful source of the following micronutrients: niacin, potassium, phosphorus, iron, selenium and zinc.[1] Historically, venison (a Norman French term) was any edible game that had been caught whilst hunting, and included hare, boar and wild goat.Venison has enjoyed a rise in popularity in recent years, owing to the meat's lower fat content. Also, venison can often be obtained cheaper than beef by hunting (in some areas a doe license can cost as little as a few dollars), many families use it as a one to one substitute for beef especially in the US mid-south, Mississippi Valley and Appalachia. In many areas this increased demand has led to a rise in the number of deer farms. What was once considered a meat for unsophisticated rural dwellers has become as exotic as ostrich meat to urbanites. Venison jerky can be purchased in such grocery stores, ordered online, and is served on some airlines. Venison burgers are typically so lean as to require the addition of fat in the form of bacon, olive oil or cheese, or blending with beef, to achieve parity with hamburger cooking time, mouth-feel, and taste. Some deer breeders have expressed an interest in breeding for a fatter animal that displays more marbling in the meat.
Fish, It has omega fat which is good for you, helps keep your atreries open, plus other things.
Chicken and turkey is next best. Beef and pork are good for you at all.
The Healthiest Meat to eat is Ground Beef..
Overall it would be fish.
Buffalo if you can find it. Otherwise, chicken or turkey.
From what I have heard, kangaroo is actually a very nutritious meat. Low in fat, low in colesterol, and nut subject to diseases that humans can fall prey to.
I have no idea where you may be able to procure kanagroo meat but that appears to be the healthiest choice.
After that, try for organically raised foul - chicken or turkey.
For protein content, absorbency, versatility and flavor there are so many!Emu.
Chicken.Pork is not good for you...has worms, always...ask any health professional.Try organic, and look up farms who sell to you directly and have certifications for their food. You might find one kind is less expensive and easier to use then our more conventional meats.
In order: Fish, Chicken/Turkey, beef and pork. Lean all of it. And for the beef and pork only a piece the size of the palm of your hand. You are welcome
Beef gives you so much energy with lots of Fe that makes you look healthy with rosy cheeks. Still it is not too fat like chicken or pork.
And it tastes so good.
Fish, it's really high in protien and is a lot lower in calories than other meats

Which machine will help me too loss more weight and burn more calories ...?

Treadmill or Elliptical ? and whis is better electric elliptical or the manual ? thanks ..
The elliptical burns more calories because there is more of a resistance, you build more muscle, also your arms are moving therefore your entire body is working agaisnt the machine to burn more calories
whichever machine you will use more!! i personally like the elliptical. its easier on the knees and lower back, doesnt give me shin splints, and i actually enjoy it, i use treadmill 1 or 2 times a week, and the rest of my work is on the elliptical, i think the treadmill is a better calorie burning workout, but i dont like to run on it, so, its the elliptical for me. i use the elliptical that powers itself up, theres no power cord going to it so i guess its manual.. i dont know, but thats my advise to you, they are both good pieces of equipment.
Try the Gazelle Glider by Tony Little. I have one and it rocks, if you work up a good sweat on it you burn about 600 calories every hour (or so I've read multiple times.) Don't buy a treadmill, most people I know that have them never use them (plus they're expensive and you can do the exact same thing for free if you go outside and walk.)

Which is the healthiest coffee to drink?

I'm thinking of calories, sugar, fat content in milk etc. I heard cappuccino is one of the bettter ones.
black decaf is the healthiest.
Anything that does not contain caffeine
they are nice to the taste yes but they are almost half a days calories go with decaf if you want coffee
Coffee in general is "healthy". They have a lot of antioxidants and such. It's when you put the sugar and cream that the calories start adding up. Coffee straight up is virtually calorieless...
black coffee: 0 calories. Anything else you add will add calories. Stick to skim milk (90 cals a cup) and fake sweetener.
Probably the one that tastes like absolute crap with no caffeine no fat and no sugar
Cappucino is made with whole milk...too much fat, although you can always order it skim.
I watched a programme tonight on T.V and if you inject 2 spiders, ( 1 spider injected with L.S.D and 1 spider injected with caffeine ) The spider injected with L.S.D built an almost perfect geometrical web , whereas the spider injected with caffeine could not build a web that even resembled a spiders web.
Caffeine, In my idea , certainly should be a class A controlled substance.
Anything that's decaf with a sugar substitute and no cream.
No its dandelion coffee which tastes great its naturally sweet and you can froth it up with skimmed milk you can buy this at your health food store. Its also caffeine free.
black coffe- no sugar. simple!

Which is the easiest?

Is it more easier for a fat person to lose weight or for a thin person to gain weight?
Which is the easiest? Both are not easy i knw but which is more easy among those two
I don't think any among them is easy. Both require hard work and dedication =)
a thin one to gain weight
To put weight on.
I think it depends on the person, but I think for most people it would be for a thin person to gain weight. Of course they could have an eating disorder and be unable to stop, so they have difficulty gaining weight.

Which is the best whey protein on the market and who is a good supplier?

Xs Power Nutrition whey protein powder. comes in chocolate and vanilla. you can get information about this product below. Make sure you look for quality not just price.
good luck.
click on sports nutrition, then supplements, then performance.
I dont know the best one but Holland %26 Barrat sell a few makes.
Twin lab has one of the best whey protein , chk
well for that question i have something to say..thres many different proteins like whey isolate, whey concentrate, whey hydroslate...first the best protein there for building muscle is the whey hydroslate..if you dont want this go for whey isolate and look for a thing on the label called "cmf" this ensure the highest purity...some good suppliers of whey hydroslate is bioquest=myozene..or look into brands of muscletech or bsn..these 2 are on the top off the supplement game..
I have a website in which I review weight lifting and fat loss supplements. I have alot of protein reviews on there, and I have personally tried these supplements and discussed how well they worked for me. check it out at and leave me some feedback on how to make it better. also if you have any sugegstions please email me them through the site.

Which is the best fiber supplement?

There are some good fiber supplements on the market, but it's actually quite easy to get all the fiber you need from your diet. Eat plenty of fruit, veg and wholegrains and you'll comfortably be able to achieve the recommended intake of 25g per day.For instance, 1 apple has 4g, 3 carrots have 3g, 40g (a regular serving) of All Bran has 12g. Eat at least 5 servings of fruit and veg each day and you'll be fine.It's also important to realise that most fiber rich foods are relatively low calorie and are packed with nutrients. The fiber also bulks the food up and helps you to feel full quicker and for longer.It's also hard to overeat fiber-rich foods - try eating more than 1 or 2 apples in one sitting!If you really don't like fiber-rich foods or struggle to eat enough then a supplement might be an option. However, many fiber supplements don't actually have that much fiber in themFor more information on fiber and how to incorporate it into your diet you may find the following link helpful.
Fiber Choice - you can get it with added calcium so there is one less supplement to take.
Best bang for your buck (most amount fiber in least amount mix)- Konsyl. Recommended to me by several GI doctors.
I honestly think nothing beats a bowl of porridge, or some food high in fiber. I'm not sure about fiber supplements but it's very easy to get enough fiber in your diet as it should be a staple food item.
The nutritional information provided on those supplements don't really tell you the whole story. There's soluble fiber which helps to decrease your absorption of cholesterol but also insoluble fiber which acts as bulk to keep you regular.If possible, it's good to get your fiber from eating different plant sourches such as fresh fruits, vegetables and whole grains.

Which is the best exercise to build muscles that you can do inside of your house?

I don't need exercise you can do outdoors but exercises you can do inside your house
push-ups, pull-ups (they sell pull-up bars that you can attach to a doorway), and lunges
Wall sits, Pushups, Situps, and calf-raises
u can do situps, pushups or just get exercise movie
push ups, curls, lifting heavy objects, and punching the air(takes a long time but muscles will grow)
pumping iron
Push ups for arms muscle, sit ups for belly muscle, star jumps for arm and leg muscle..u can lift up empty gas tanks(around 8kg) or get a sand bag and tie them up on your wrist or leg and do punches or kicks..and watching exercise videos doesn't works much
Push ups and squats.
Hi There,
How about a video dancing tape that is made for what You need, never thought of, or maybe some cardiac, muscles, joints, moves u haven't experienced before to your taste in music! I've done alot of dancing using the music dancing tapes as my guide. Never got to the splits yet, but, tomorrow's
another day. I just try to excel yesterdays.
Best of Luck in All You Do, as long as r sweating bad toxins out of your body, you may as well enjoy! Water, water, water..
Diana D

Which is the best exercise for detoxification?

well yoga is the best exercise for detoxification ,but conditon is it has to be under the supervision of guru(master) and not under the influence of drugs alchohal etc,within months u will see the difference not only yoga detox body but mind also.give it a try
Cardio, jogging, bike, swimming. Get your heart rate up high and keep it there the more you sweat the more gunk will come out of your body. Eat a clean balanced diet, drink plenty of water.
Exercise is critically important for detoxificationTo improve elimination through the skin, regular exercise is important to stimulate sweating. Exercise helps overall with detoxification and also improves our general metabolism. Regular aerobic exercise is a key to maintaining a nontoxic body in our toxic environment. On the other hand, exercise increases the production of toxins in the body, so it must be accompanied by consuming a lot of water, antioxidants, and vitamin and mineral replenishment.There is a diabetes epidemic in this country, and it just so happens that one of the most important ways to prevent/help diabetes is DAILY EXERCISE. My favorite form of exercise is jumping on the mini-trampoline. Because of its effects on the lymphatic system and the way it involves every cell in the body, rebounding is one of the most beneficial exercises one can do to maintain health. Finding a form of exercise YOU ENJOY.
If you're going to exercise and KEEP AT IT REGULARLY, you will need to find a form of exercise which YOU enjoy doing. I like to rebound several times a day, while listening to podcasts on my ipod or watching TV. I also enjoy bicycling and swimming. Some people prefer outdoor exercise to working out indoors because it offers distractions and visual stimulation. You're focused on your surroundings, and because you're enjoying yourself, time flies and you feel more invigorated than you would if you did the same amount of exercise indoors. It's a matter of personal preference. Experience various forms of exercise to find out what you like best:Mini-Trampoline jumping - rebounding - An increbibly beneficial form of exercise because of its effect on the lymph system in your body.Walk or jog in nature: a forest, up a mountain , by a river, on the beach, etc. Fishing, horseback riding, rowing, golf are all good.Explore Yoga, Meditation.
Try your hand at martial arts: Karate, Judo, Tai Chi, Kung Fu, Aikido.
Dancing, aerobics, gymnastics, weight lifting, stretching.
Swimming is a wonderful low-impact exercise. No need to exhaust yourself! MODERATE exercise is best. Why do some people NEVER give their bodies any exercise?
We all know exercise is good for us. Why do we not do it then? Procastination? Lazyness? Mental barriers? I was first introduced to methods of breaking through procrastination by the popular motivational speaker Tony Robbins. Tony Robbins has helped me make marked improvements in not only my health but other aspects of my life as well. I highly recommend his life-changing programs.

Which is the best brand of hoodia gordonii?

The best brand of Hoodia is one that actually works since 80% of the brands on the market are fake. You will have the best chance of hoodia suppressing your appetite if you get a strong pure hoodia that is certified to be genuine. Check out Totalink's unbiased Hoodia comparison at in the "Confidence" column it will indicate if the brand is "Certified". These Hoodia brands have the credentials to back up their product. Also in that column it will indicate if the brand is "Returnable". These Hoodia brands allow you to return opened bottles and get your money back. I think this indicates that a company has confidence in their product that it works.If you want a strong Hoodia supplement that also contains green tea I would check out Hoodiburn on the page at only suppresses your appetite, it does not burn fat. If you are looking for a good fat burner check out Cha de Bugre, it’s a new weight loss supplement that is growing in popularity and is similar to Ma Huang (Ephedrine) without any of the bad effects. Cha de Bugre is from Brazil and has been used there safely for centuries. Cha de Bugre provides energy, fat burning and appetite suppression that benefit weight loss. Cha de Bugre also has additional uses that are known in Brazil that include being used as a mild diuretic, a cellulite reducer, aides in reducing herpes simplex outbreaks and a heart tonic. You can find more about it at have written a lot of articles on Hoodia. Just search Yahoo or Google under my name “Andrew Aitaken” to find them.Remember, you should always consult your physician before taking any diet pill or weight loss supplement.
None.It does not work.Yes,it will curb your appetite,but are you going to take it for the rest of your life?It is also very expensive.After awhile,it doesn't curb your hunger when your body gets used to it.It's a waste of money.i know I tried it and I did not lose an ounce.I have lost 12 lbs,so far by staying under 1,200 calories a day.
Based on my research of hoodia diet pills in the past year, I can recommend three products with complete confidence. They are Desert Burn, Hoodoba, and Hoodia Hoodia. I recommend these three brands because all three have been proven to offer 100% authentic hoodia gordonii diet pills. These products are safe as they don't contain any ingredient but hoodia gordonii and they have all the documentation and independent lab tests that prove what they are selling is real. I also recommend them based on the feedback I've received from visitors to my website and from the feedback I've read on various weight loss forums. If you'd like to learn more about these products, I've provided a link below to detailed reviews of each. After reading the reviews, you can determine yourself if you believe they are the "best" or not. Best of luck to you.Travis
#1. Be sure you are buying pure Hoodia...look for the import certificate on the website. No matter the price, if they do not display this, you really do NOT know what you are getting!#2. Be sure it is 100% Hoodia %26 not mixed w/other herbs, etc.!!#3. Keep in mind it stops your hunger pangs…you MUST remember to break your habit to always eat at certain times.#4. Drink a full 8oz. glass of water with it!Hoodia (HOOD-ee-uh) gordonii - A genus of 10 to 20 species from southwestern Africa.
Hoodia gordonii is the stoneage wonder plant found throughout the dry arid regions of the South western African continent now on the verge of making history in the fight against obesity. It is a genus belonging to the Asclepiadaceae family which consists of approximately 20 species. Used to stop hunger, quench thirst, and provide energy among other things since prehistoric times, Hoodia gordonii was first discovered by the San tribesmen and women to get through the most difficult of times. You can read a good article about how it works at:

Which is right when cutting calories?

When weight training you need more calories to feed the muscles, but one needs to lose calories to lose weight. How do I find a happy medium?
Change the types of food you are eating. Drop sugar and white flour. Eat fruit and veggies with every meal as well as lean protein. Eat every three hours. Eating the right types of food will fill up preventing overeating as well as suppling ample energy for working out and muscle repair. Listen to your body. If you are eating right and feel hungry, you need to eat more. If you are eating right and working out and don't see any changes after a month, eat less or perform more cardio workouts.
Increase your protien intake, it will help build muscle. You should consume more calories on days you are working out, less on days you are not.

Which is more fun Yoga or Pilates? Explain each briefly...?

I am just looking for a good hobby/exercise routine to start. Just want to know which is more fun and keeps you in shape.
Yoga is more relaxed and focuses on flexibility and increased range of motion while pilates is used to strengthen the body's core and surrounding muscles. Which you should choose depends on your fitness goals. If your looking to tone and shape then go with pilates; if you would like to increase flexibility and become more relaxed then choose yoga.

Which is more fattening;fruits or veggies?

In general fruits would be more fattening but don't think of either one as a fattening food.Both fruits and vegetables have loads of fiber, which help fill you up and keep your full longer than most other food groups. They both also have water which will hydrate your body.Both are also low in calories and fat and are perfect for dieters. It's almost impossible to over eat either fruits or vegetables.The only time that you would run into a problem is if you drink fruit juice or vegetable juice instead of eating the actual fruit. Without the fiber, juices (especially fruit juice) can skyrocket your weight. Please don't eliminate either one from your diet - both groups are a dieters friend and are very important for your body.
Fruits can be higher in sugars and so are more fattening than simple veggies. Exceptions are citrus fruits, melons etc. Mainly water and flavour.

Which is more fattening to the waist line,beer or whiskey?

I'd say both..
Whiskey, beer makes you fat.
well beer is more fattening. It has barely in it. and it carries more calories.LOL
Beer. Beer has so many calories which puts on the pounds in belly.
It depends on the amount of alchohol in each one, say a beer is not going to do anything, a case of beer, frequently will. Whisky is more alchoholic ounce per ounce, cup for cup, but I think they don't call it a "Beer" belly for nothing.
Definitely Beer. Beer has gazillions of Calories in it which is naturally fattening but for the waist line, beer is such that when you take it, people tend to take about 2-3 bottles at a time while whisky, u take just about a couple of shots at a time.
Beer bloats you, when your bloated you get lazy, when you get lazy you just sit around doing nothing thats where the beer belly comes from. If you do sit-ups a couple times a day, you can drink the beer and not get the belly.

Which is more efficient isokinetic machines or free weights?

If you know the anwser, and there is an article about it can you please give that to me too. Please and thank you
it really depends on your goal, but you are doing the right thing by researching.

Which is more effective, dumbbell or barbell chest/bench presses?

Or, is it best incorporate both exercises into my workout regimine?
Some may argue that one is better than the other, but both are good for different reasons. Dumbell exercises challenge your stabilizers in a different way which may be better. What's interesting is that you could never lift the equivalent weight in a dumbell bench that you could with a bar. This should tell you something in itself!I find myself that using a combination of both in my routines provides good results. Vary it up and you'll have success.Cheers!
Dumbbells are better, remember to squeeze them a the top, and go to for more bench press routines.
For best results incorporate both!
Assuming you are looking to gain size, after each set superset with dumbells and blow them out!!
Wide grips are fun too and declined bench. You need a good spotted though.
Don't forget your flys!
depends on what you are wanting. I would say barbell bench. it offers so much more. If you want to work your triceps more u move ur hands in closer. u want bigger pecs u mover ur hands wider.
barbell for size and strength ( you can press more weight on it)Dumbells work more stabilizer muscles though and can help with coordination
both should be utilized along with using flat, decline and incline benches. you should always try to attack a muscle from as many angles as possible in an attempt to stimulate the maximum amount of muscle fibers.

Which is more effective for forearms and how does each work?

I heard clutching a tennis balls will increase your muscle mass on your forearms but itsnt that kinda too easy in contrast doing wrist curls with dumbbells over a bench.
if you have any weights grab them and sit down then lay your arms on you legs, and do like wrist cirls...i got about mabey 2 inches of girth in 8 days

Which is Healthier?

Pizza or Chinese Food?
I know neither is good for you but if I wanted to have either one of these to live on.which would be healthier?
Chinese food. several slices of pizza can cause insulin to spike for up to 6 hours.
I would suggest neither. Both are equal.
You've already asked this...why posting again? Multiple Postings are a violation of Community Guidelines.
possibly chinese wit brown rice and veggies
Pizza. Chinese food is often fried and the sodium is astronomical.
How about you make your own pizza? Buy pre-made (thin crust) pizza crust and add healthy ingredients (ones that you like), such as...tomato sauce, mushrooms, bell peppers, red bell peppers, tomatoes, basil leaves, chicken breast, turkey, olives, etc.) If you want to add can use low fat cheese. I think this alternative would be the best.
depends on what you order.
brown rice with vegetables[not fried!!] is good.
if you really want pizza eat 1 slice and blot the grease.

Which is healthier?

Okay Im going to get lunch. which is healthier?-Romain luttace, parmesan cheese, croutons, italian chicken
-Romain luttace, black beans, sour cream, salsa, guacamole %26 italian chickenIm NOT going to change what they have in them, im just curious which one is healthier??I have already had two pieces of sourdough toast today. What would be the best pick.. (the way they are!)
Not a huge difference...the croutons are probably the worst in the 1st one and the cheese has fat.the second one's issues would be the sour cream and guac...Pick the one you like, since you don't care to remove or reduce the less-healthy items in either.Enjoy 鈽?
i imagine the first i healthier. parmesan cheese may be the most fattening in it, but thats all. oh and some in the chicken.hte other has vegs, but all the sauces (depending on whether thay are home made and the quantities) seem to be more fattening.
The second, more vitamins in the food
The second one has far more fat (sour cream and guac) but also has more protein (chicken, guac, and beans). But all in all, if you are counting calories, the first one has less.

Which is healthier, canned vegetables or frozen vegetables?

And why. (Bonus points for citing sources.)
The following information is not my is from I just thought it was good info and could help you.good luck!Which is better for your health: fresh, frozen or canned fruits and vegetables? The answer is: Any and all. Canned fruits and vegetables often are considered nutritionally inferior to their fresh and frozen counterparts. While this may be true regarding sugar and salt content, it's not true when it comes to other nutrients. In fact, in a recent study completed at the University of Illinois, many of the canned fruits and vegetables evaluated contained as much or more of certain nutrients than their fresh and frozen counterparts. For example, most brands of canned apricots, spinach and pumpkin provided more vitamin A per serving than their fresh- cooked counterparts. Also, canned asparagus, potatoes and spinach tended to outrank or equal fresh-cooked varieties for vitamin C. On the other hand, fresh-cooked tomatoes tended to be higher in vitamin C and fresh-cooked carrots higher in vitamin A per serving than canned or frozen types. One reason canned (and frozen) fruits and vegetables sometimes rank nutritionally superior to fresh produce is they're usually processed immediately after harvest, when nutrient content is at its peak. This is especially true when it comes to the vitamin C found in green vegetables. The longer a green vegetable sits on a truck or in the supermarket, the lower its vitamin C content. Because they are more acidic, fresh (as well as frozen and canned) fruits are less susceptible to loss of vitamin C during storage. This is not to say there aren't downsides to eating canned versus fresh and frozen products. Canned vegetables are notoriously high in sodium and canned fruits packed in syrup are high in sugar. However, with the growing popularity of low sodium and low sugar versions of products, most manufacturers now offer low-sodium and salt-free versions of their canned vegetables. In addition, juice-packed fruits generally are available at a cost similar to fruits packed in syrup. The other downside is taste. Many fruit and vegetable lovers simply prefer the taste, texture and look of fresh and fresh-cooked produce. Canned and fresh-cooked green beans simply are not the same product. Nor are canned, frozen and fresh- cooked corn. Still, the University of Illinois study underscores a message nutritionists have long emphasized: canned and frozen produce is a nutritionally sound alternative to fresh fruits and veggies. Frozen and canned products are particularly good to have on hand for times when you can't get to the store for fresh products or when fresh fruits and vegetables are out of season or out of your price range.
Frozen Veggies are better, because Canned Veggies have alot more sodium %26 are not as fresh.
frozen veggies are better they are fresher . canned veggies have alot of salt in them
I would say frozen, as the vitamins would be more apt to stay intact, whereas canned they would be cooked out.

Which is healthier Honey Bunches Of Oats or Special K cereal?

calories/fat/vitamin/carbs wise..all that good stuff.
what are the pros and cons of each??
Please help..
i just ate a big bowl of honey bunches of oats and i feel horrible.. :/%26%26%26%26%26 beside those cereals what is the most healthiest cereal i can buy at any market and can eat twice a day to loose weight..the one with the least calories/fat/carbs/everything!... is nutritious?...
KASHI CEREALS r the best!! and most nutricious w/o additives and enriched flours.
Try them w/ soy milk instead of cows milk.HBoO is crap!! If u had to choose well known brands eat :shredded wheat to fill up on fiber.And cheerios r the best for u too! Do not eat granola stuff because they r high in sugar though they "sound" healthy!
Eating a bowl of cereal is great to counter sugar cravings or snack lieu of chips etc...
Go to the grocery store and look at the boxes.I wouldn't stick to just one kind of cereal. Maybe rotate between the healthier ones.
Special K Cereal
caloriewise, honey bunches has twice as much as special K.
i eat a lot of fiber plus cereal. as unappetizing as the name sounds, it's good for you and has about 14 grams of fiber per half cup. add a little splenda and fresh fruit and it's surprisingly good and incredibly filling because of the fiber content.

Which is better?

Is coffee or green tea better for metabolism and energy? I excercise regulary but because im very sporty i tend to get fatigued a fair amount. Which would be better coffee or green tea? My diet is healthy if you are wondering. I tried to eat alot of fruit but that made me bloated! and puffy, felt as if i put on weight so I avoided that tactic.
There is not much in either to really boost your metabolism or give you energy, unless you put in a lot of sugar. Both will have natural Caffiene and that may give you a boost. But you will start to see a caffiene cycle. Another words you have coffee feel find for a while then start to feel fatigued, that is the caffiene addiction in coffee and tea.If you drink coffee or Tea, caffeine can act as a diarectic, making you deyhdrate quicker. So I would avoid working out and drinking coffee or tea. There are teas that have Ginseng, this has been proven to help give you energy, but personally I have never felt that it was that effective but I do like Ginseng tea quite a bit.IF you are working out and getting fatigued during your work out, I would recommend a snack 1 - 2 hours before you work out so that you have some fuel in the tank. Fruit is a good one, but if you don't like your carbs that way, Yogurt works 1/2 cup is good. Or maybe a Wholewheat slice of toast with Peanut butter on it.Those are snacks often used by runners 1 - 2 hours before a work out. If you are working out aerobically for more then 45 minutes, you could also considers many of the Gel type products on the market. These give you about 25g of carbs in a pack. Drink lots of water with them.You could also consider dry fruit too, they are a great source of carbs. I know runners who carry rasins with them or trail mix. Just be careful raisins do have a laxative effect so you may want to experiment close to home for those.Hope that helps
If you are burning more calories, you probably need more substantial food than coffee or tea. Probably a balanced, high energy, high protein drink is more appropriate. The fatigue may be caused by hypoglycemia.
for energy the coffee is better but for your metabolism u should drink the green tea... in my case... i usually get my energy from water + a slice of lemon...and it works 4 me...
Generally, coffee has about twice the caffeine as tea (per volume).Note that dehydration will also make you feel fatigued. Try drinking more water.Are you getting sufficient sleep? That might be another cause for your fatigue. You could also be over-training.Note that caffeine, in moderation, is fine. But keep this in mind: the half-life of caffeine in your body is six hours, meaning after six hours, your body still has half the caffeine it when you first ingested it. What happens is you stop feeling the pick up effect of caffeine long before it leaves your body. So often, people go to bed, feeling tired enough, but there body still has a lot of caffeine in it, and it affects their sleep. The effect can be very subtle, just enough that you feel tired and sleepy the next day, even though you slept through the entire night.I'm not trying to sound anti-caffeine, but I limit myself to one cup of tea or coffee in the morning only.
Perhaps matching your caloric intake to your expenditures will provide a balanced energy level.C vs GT: The GT is healthier but I prefer the taste of coffee.Make sure you are drinking a lot of water, your activities and the GT and C will dehydrate you.You may find that what you really needed is the caloric balancing and more water with GT added in for an extra zing every now and then (not regularly)

Which is better?

Exercising the whole body every other day or doing the upper body one day and then the lower body the next day?
You can do cardio everyday. It also depends on what you are looking to get out of your routine. Do you want mass? Then you want to tear down and build up in which you will want to work out the whole body everyday. But if you are looking just to tone up? Then you will want to workout 3 times a week.
upper body one day and lower body the next day.

Which is better to eat.chicken or beef??

im trying to loose a little bit of weight and i want to start with my a big meat eater and i dont know which is going to be better for me.i like beef more than chicken but both are good, but which is better??
find calorie/fitness calculator on the net, enter all your stats and it will tell you how many calories you need a day to maintain, take off 300-400cal off that number and thats how much you need to lose.
eat 5-6 small meals a day (eat every 2-3 hours)
5-8 servings of fruit and veggies a day
8 glasses of water
have complex carbs for breakfast - they give you energy
have lean meat (protein) for dinner - repairs muscle
cardio exercise 4-6 times a week for 30-50min, light weight training
dont consume foods that are made of white flour (white bread, cakes, past etc.), sugar loaded foods (cookies, icecream, candy etc) and nothing fried, oily.
ofcourse you can spoil yourself once in a while with a little treat:)
Red meat has lots of fat in it!
Chicken is better, it is lower in fat, and calories for the portion, but it needs to be boneless skinless chicken...
They both have benefits. You need some "red meat" for iron %26 vitamins but nothing is good in exess. I might eat a steak or a burger one every two months %26 maybe some Schewan Beff lol. Chicken (esp skinless) is leaner %26 higher in protein.
Chicken. Red meat's harder to digest.
Chicken! You should prepare it without adding fat, too. The best way to do this is either in your broiler or on a grill. Sauteeing requires fat to be added. However, if you really do want to saute chicken, use olive oil in the pan or Pam cooking spray. Pam has very few calories and fat grams. and olive oil is one of the healthy fats that your body needs. Another great dish is chicken vegtable stir fry. Just cook it up with all your favorite veggies (broccoli, carrots, corn, onion, peas, etc.) and stir fry it in fish oil. This contains Omega 3 which is another fat your body needs and is healthy for you. Of course, don't over do it with the Pam or oils.Why? Because chicken is a leaner meat with less fat. In general, when eating meat, look at the animal that the food came from. Is that animal fat? (pork, beef) Or thin (chicken, fish). I'm not sure why it works out that way. It's a good rule to live by, though.
Neither. Avoid them both as much as possible, but if you absolutely have to have meat, go for chicken or fish. But if you're trying to lose weight you're much better off getting your protein from beans like black beans or soybeans and tofu. Much lower in fat and calories.
I personally prefer chicken because beef doesn't work well with my body. If I have a steak on Sunday I show a weight gain until about Thursday. But it all depends on how your body responds to it.

Which is better NO2 or creatine? Which one sees quicker results?

anybody use both of them?
I have no experience with NO2, but I take creatine on and off. It increases the water in your muscles making them slightly bigger, and when you are lifting or doing whatever you don't tire as easily.
NO2 is pretty much all hype. I wouldn't waste money on it. Just take caffeine before your workout if you want the same effect (concentration, energy).Creatine, like the other poster said, will make you a little less tired so you can workout a little longer, and it can bring more fluid into your muscles.

Which is better for weight gain?

Hi. I'm 18 years old, about 5'8.5", and somewhere between 112 lbs.-115lbs.--in the morning (I realize I weigh more at night than I do in the morning). I know that this isn't very ideal for someone my height and I would really like to put on some weight.I've tried time and time again but usually once I put on weight I lose it in a heartbeat. A lot of people tell me to go to the gym because muscle weighs more than fat but I don't want to be muscular. I still would like to keep my figure but just to be maybe 20-25 lbs. heavier.Would anyone recommend Ensure or Boost as a way of healthy weight gain? If so, which is best? I understand the diet that I will have to keep up in order to gain weight but it seems that the foods alone just don't seem to be doing it.
Ensure and Boost both contain a lot of sugar and aren't particularly healthy because of that. Gaining weight is a simple matter of increasing your daily caloric intake. So, what you should try is increasing your caloric intake each week by about 10% until you start seeing weight gain, and then keep it at that level. Just be careful it's not bodyfat you're gaining.Don't worry about getting too muscular. This is very difficult for women to do since women contain a 10th of the testosterone levels men do. The most you'll see is some good muscle tone and development. So, going to the gym is definitely the best way of gaining good weight.If you find you need a supplement, a good whey protein powder would be your best bet, especially if you're active. It should contain no suger, little fat and lots of vitamins and minerals, and come from a reputable source.Body weight is actually a bad indicator of overall health. It could be that you're a good healthy weight for you. Also, our metabolisms do slow as we get older, so in a few years it shouldn't be a problem for you. Keep this in mind that healthy habits do accumulate as we get older.
unlike all the fat pigs on here maybe you should just eat whatever is available in your home.
eat fried food and sleep all day
I would pick ensure because its cheaper. They are both healthy ways to gain weight, they've got a lot of nutritience and an even balance of the calorie sources. Pick ensure plus instead of regular because its more nutritionally and caloricly dense.
And don't eat the fried stuff, because it has a lot of trans fats witch will ruin your heart. Pick foods rich in monosaturated and omega three fats. They're high in calories, and will make you feel really happy.
I am 6'3" and weigh 12 stone, which is underweight. But I have always been this build.
I have tried everything - even so far as taking water retention tablets sold illicitly at the gym.
I once read of a girl who could not join the army because she was underweight. She ate 6 sticky buns a day, and was accepted after a month !
The trouble with any weight gain is that it is not natural, and you will quickly lose it again.
Like you, I slowly put weight on - as much as 20 pounds over about 10 months - only to lose the lot in a matter of weeks.
Just accept this is your natural weight and learn to live with it. Stop being self conscious.
For what it's worth, at your age you have yet to reach your optimum weight, although you will hardly grow any taller.
Good luck.

Which is better for my health, coffee or tea?

Tea is usually considered better, but if you load it with sugar then technically either of them can be bad. They both have natural caffeine, but coffee has more. People also tend to put creamer and sugar in their coffee which also makes it unhealthy. They are probably really worse for your teeth (sugar, staining) than they are for you body though...My grandmother is like 90 and she drinks five cups of coffee a day...
Green teaThe natural ingredients has many advantages which includes bad-breath prevention.
Tea, coffee is addicting.
Not very sure but i think its tea!
some chinese tea or may be indian !
Tea. Coffee is just all caffine and that crap. Tea such as green tea is the real deal!
I suggests tea cause coffee may let you feel nervousness but tea has so many kinds like green teas, red teas, herbal teas which can give you a healthy body.
tea is healthier but coffee is also healthy just as long as you dont drink too much of it.
Tea has less caffeine, and the tannins are said to act as an antioxidant.
Neither, both contain caffeine
Tea...Coffee has to much caffine..
Herbal tea
Green tea is best for you because it provides a lot of vitamins and nutrients but tea is better for your teeth than coffee and if you take care of your teeth it can add up to 5 years on your life! Oh and coffee has caffeine thats bad for you
Let me examine you first
reading all the answers above i'd say COFFEE is not that harmful!!relax everyone.if u dont add a lot of sugar and cream, it's a fine if u drink a cup or two, but ofcourse don't overdo it.i read that coffee is good for your brain, it helps u remember.
tea is healthier though, and it keeps u fit!
Fruit teas
Herbal tea is definitely better for health.
It helps to calm the nerves and it has a
soothing effect.
Moreover, it cleanses the toxic in the body.
Strangely, it breaks down fatty particles as
Chinese seem to live to a ripe old age. Americans have a lot of heart disease. Does this answer your question.
To be on a more serious note, personally I prefer tea but I believe that tea is much healthier than coffee provided it is drank, like everything else, in moderation.
An excess of either ( or anything else ) is not good for you.
I prefer tea,as there are many varieties and tastes.
I understand that tea is marginally better for you.
TeaSencha tea is has the best qualities for general health
reducing fatty cells in your body, free radicals, soothing, and some claims it benefits to reducing the risk of cancer.Sencha tea is harvested in the early spring and only the young leaves and buds are used for tis tea.
In japan it is regarded as the finest tea.
Green tea or herbal tea. But they arent really good for you. Just dont have them to much.
Good Luck
Tea! It contains anti-oxidents and less caffeine. Drink it with a slice of lemon instead of milk and you're really rocking.It's also far more civilised!
Definitely tea !

Which is better for me: Eating 3 meals a day or grazing?

Is my digestion more or less efficient if I space out meals or if I eat small amounts all day long?
Grazing is better for you, 6 smaller meals a day rather than 3 big ones is better cos it keeps you matabolism going and keeps your energy levels constant. But make sure they are healthy, remember 5 a day!!
definatly grazing, three meals a day would interfere with milking times.
my wife is a nutrionalist and she eats 5-6 meals a day but they are not big meals.
i'm not entirely sure but plenty of people tell me that it is better to eat six smaller meals a day rather than three big meals, it also depends on what you eat so if you eat healthily you'll be fine.
i chose nibbling coz it's more healthier :)
try it, and you would lose at least 3 pounds per week!
( no exercise required )
i think a lot of us worry to much about diet...i'm just trying to listen to what my body wants...i get hungry when i get hungry and that's when i eat...simple...
Try and eat 5-6 small meals a day,that is best for you.If you are going to eat inbetween meals try and eat healthy.
I tend to eat 5 meals a day (breakfast, lunch, dinner and snacks morning and afternoon), and try to stop eating by 8.30pm. This is because smaller meals more often help to keep energy levels high, and blood sugar levels more constant. I try to stick to proteins (white meat, fish, pulses, nuts, seeds etc) and complex carbohydrates (green veg, brown rice/pasta, fresh fruit, salads etc) as these give the best long-term energy and their fibre content aids digestion. I try to avoid simple carbohydrates (sugars of any kind) as these cause insulin levels to soar, making the body store the extra sugar as fat instead of burning it off.The reason for stopping eating by 8.30pm is that by 10pm, your body is getting ready for sleep and the digestive system begins to slow. If you still have lots of undigested food in your stomach at this time, it can disrupt sleep and also tends to end up getting stored as fat. We don't need food to sleep!These principles come from the GI diet, about which there are loads of websites available if you want to find out more info.
Here's a serious answer. I hope it helps.*If want to get fit and/or lose weight, here's my Weight Loss Program through Body Building and Nutrition. It works! First, don't Use Diet Pills. They are bad for you. Most of them are just a scam or they are addictive. Counting calories is a pain in the neck. It will drive you nuts. But, losing weight is simple. You just have to do the right things.
*(If you are older and have not exercised in many years you should see your doctor and have a stress test done to be sure your heart is ok before starting this program. Also, walking eveyday is a good lifelong practice.)
*Fad diets sometimes work but, you can be sure that at least 25% of the weight you lose will be muscle. Then when you stop the diet you will gain back all of the weight you lost but no muscle. So, you will have 25% more fat than you did before! Fad diets just aren't worth the bother.
*Fasting or skipping meals will teach your body that famine is common in your world and your body will begin to store more fat to get you through the next period when food is not available. It's better to eat healthy foods often to teach your body that food is plentiful and that there is no need to store calories as fat. Eat a vegetablw or frui every two hours.
*Here's a simple trick that can help you lose weight without doing anything else. Drink a litre of water as soon as you wake up in the morning and then drink two more throughout the day. You'll notice a difference the first month.
*Here's another trick that works. For every pound of muscle that you add, your body will burn 3000 calories (1lb) of fat every day. That means that just by having an extra pound of muscle on your body you will burn a pound of fat every day! So, add muscle!
*This is the fastest way to add a pound of muscle. Squats and Pushups! You do them on alternate days; squats one day, pushups the next. And you do them SuperSlow style. That is, you do the easy part twice as slow as the hard part. That way you fatigue the muscles quickly. Then you rest the muscles for 48 hours which gives the body a chance to make new muscles.
*Squats should be done with a wide stance and all the way to the floor. Pushups the with palms shoulder width apart and all the way to the floor, then all the way up. Use the full range of motion of the muscle group you are trying to develop. If you are too weak to do pushups, try them with your knees on the floor or do them with your feet on the floor and your hands an the bed.
*The idea is to tire the muscles out completely so do a set of squats until you can't do another, then rest for a couple of minutes and do it again. Do that 3 times and you're done for the day. The following day, don't do squats but do pushups. Do them the same way, going down twice as slow as you come up.
*You will lose weight fast, unless you add more junk food and fat to your diet. Instead, eat at least 5 to 7 different raw vegetables and fruits every day. Cut out anything that comes in a bag, box, can, bottle or any kind of package. In other words, cut out all processed foods, soft drinks and sweets. Eat more grains and less red meat. Check out the
Food Pyramid.
*I don't know if I'm allowed to say this but if you really want to give your body the best possible chance to be healthy and fat free, go to and order their weight loss formula and Essentials for Life. That will give you all the vitamins, minerals, antioxidants and probiotics that your body needs and will keep you feeling better and healthier. They also have a Proteabolic Mass Formula for serious athletes who want to build muscle mass quickly and safely. I don't make money on this if you decide to buy.
*Weight loss without exercise is not good. You need to eat healthy, exercise and get your rest. You will feel better, look better and be healthier. Try it for a week. You will notice a difference. You will feel better and that will motivate you to continue.
*Losing weight only in specific areas of the body is impossible. You can't just lose weight around the belly, for instance. So, if you want
tight, rippled abs, do crunches and leg raises every other day the way I described above.
*One last point, stretching is essential for a number of reasons. Pick up a copy of ''Stretching'' by Bob Anderson. Read the intro and understand his reasoning before you do the exercisis. Good luck!
*This information is based on my personal and professional experience. *Check these links: Sponsor ID 3290988
grazing what are you a animal!

Which is better - 5 rounds of jog or 15 rounds of brisk walk ?

Both are great. But the idea is to keep your heart rate up. So walking is actually better on your feet.
both is but less pain on joints walk
they're both very good. you may want to alternate between each or start out walking and grow to jogging

Which is a quicker way to lose weight? Jogging or jump roping? I exercise an hour a day.?

I just want to know which exercise will help me lose the most weight.
I have lost a total of 120 pounds so far.
I lost 105 pounds in my first 6 months. Here is how I did it.
1. Every morning get up and walk for 45 minutes. You can start with less time, but you want to get up to 45 minutes, and it must be fast walk. You want your heart rate to go up. It must be in the morning, it kick starts your metabolism.
2. I cut out Red Meat, and fatty foods. Boneless skinnless chicken breast, baked, or grilled, rice and vegetables (steamed).
3. Eat half. Just eat half of what you normally eat. Put 1/2 on your plate, and put the rest away. Cook less. When you go to fast food, get salads only. Or grilled chicken. No fries, only diet soda. Or water.It will work, once you get into a routine, you will get hooked on the results, and you will keep the routine. It has been over a year for me. Also start counting your calories. Write them down. You would be amazed as to how much more aware you are of your caloric intake, if you actually write it down. We recently discovered a site that offers a great program that counts calories, as well as keeps track of everything. It allows multiple users, so everyone in the family can keep track. They offer a free 7 day trial, and so far I am very impressed with the product. Try the 7 days and see. It allows you to add the exercise that you do during the day, which increases the amount of calories you can take in. Very Cool!!
http://www.calorieking.comA sight with some really cool diet calculators and interesting calorie counting calculators is here. Check it out. out my before and after pic at my yahoo 360 page motivated, and get up and walk every day. I seriously lost all my weight starting off my day on my walk. Good LUCK!
It all depends on how high your get your heart rate. The quicker your heart rate, the more calories you burn.
Running, jumping rope or walking - all burn the same amount of calories.
Random thing, laughing about 100-200 times is about equal to 15 minutes of jogging, so just try watching funny things while stretching, easier then both!
Jumping rope is more areobic (it burns more calories). However, it is thought that too much jumping rope damages the inner ear.
Running up stairs is extremely aerobic, if you can find a skyscraper nearby.
try cross training walking ,running, jumping all in one excercise
Losing weight is a simple equation: if you burn more calories than you eat, the weight will come off. Start off by estimating how many calories you burn each day using the calorie calculator This will give you an idea of how many calories to eat. Healthy weight loss is 1-2 pounds per week. To lose 1 pound per week you need to create a calorie deficit (burn more than you eat) of 500 calories per day. To lose 2 pounds a week, you have to double the deficit to 1000 calories per day. You can achieve this by eating less, exercising more or a combination of both.Guide to Dieting -
Health, Exercise and Diets -

Which is a good slimming tablet please tell me?

do give me imformation on how much it is and if i take the tablet is it safe where will i find it
In a recent paper from University of California, they did a meta-analysis of all the work on weight loss over the past few years. ( summary) It showed that 2/3 of people who diet yo-yo to a higher weight, none of the faddy diets of diet pills work and that rapid weight loss doubles heart attack risk!They seemed to suggest the only hope was modest calorie reduction + EXERCISE.This is a news report of the article: have to admit I have a 'stock' answer for this question, since if you look it appears 20-30 times every day!Type 'guaranteed weight loss' into google, you will find 1 1/2 million sites!Look around you if ANY of these things worked would we be getting so overweight?We are what we eat, but we are at least as much what we don't do. Calorie intakes in 1900 and 1950 were higher than they are now, we just don't use them up!Eat a balanced diet with plenty of fruit and veg.Take a healthy amount of exercise 30-40 minutes of vigorous exercise per day 4-5 days a week. I hate to think what percentage of the UK population does that 2%? 5%?I have seen hundreds of questions with this same pattern :- I am fat, tell me where on line I can get this super diet or herbal/dangerous/illegal drug that I hear will fix it for me in 10 minutes without the need for me to get off the couch!No fixes pal , less in more out, its the only way.
No such thing.There are a few prescription pills out there but even they require that you be on a strict diet and exercise program to help even a little bit.Nothing you can buy in a store will do anything. They are a waste of money.Eat less, exercise more and the weight WILL come off. It's the only way.
It's the one shaped like a smaller portion of food and a gymnasium!
Don't do it.I'd rather take Ex-Lax.
At least you get to have a piece of chocolate !!
i know you dont wanna hear this but slimming pills are not the answer a change of diet and lifestyle are and when u lose weight doing it the right way you feel a huge sense of pride and acheivment...good luck
low fat diet is the best tablet I have ever had and lasts a life time no side effects other than weight loss that is safe and steady.
Give Hoodia a try. Hoodia Gordonii is an all natural appetite suppressant with no side effects. It is derived from a South African cactus that the bushmen have eaten there for thousands of years. The people it works for swear by it. An appetite suppressant that is all natural with no side effects is good stuff! Watch out though, the marketplace is flooded with fakes. But there are Hoodia Brands that DO sell products that contain real authentic Hoodia Gordonii in them and really DO work. There are many factors involved in finding the best Hoodia, I have written articles on a lot of them. Just search Yahoo or Google under my name “Andrew Aitaken” to find them. Also some of the best tips I have found are in Totalink’s Hoodia Buyers Guide at
reductil, its only available on prescription so buy it off the internet... my friend takes it and she sits on the toilet for hours a day...probably be better off with a packet of laxitives.

Which is a better workout schedule?

Is it better to strength train for two weeks and take a 1 week break or train for 3 or 4 weeks and take a 1 week break or is it personal prefrence
Skip the week off. Strength train2-3x a week, run or swim 2-3x a week. It's a great combo. There is no need to take a whole week off ever unless you are ill, injured, or recovering from a race. If you want a "down" week...then just do something different like biking or something.
What I would suggest is ask a sports trainer.There is one at this site who could answer your question I would check them out.Good Luck.

Which hoodia brand worked the best for you?

I am looking into getting some hoodia to lose weight. Any of you had luck with it and if so what brand. Thus far I am looking at: Hoodia xr or optimum hoodia.
Hi Diana,Hoodia XR or Optimum Hoodia are both good brands, they are both certified and you get alot for your money at 1000 mg. They are also both at the top of Totalink's unbiased Hoodia comparison at You might also consider two brands that have been around since the beginning the the Hoodia craze, Desert Burn and Hoodoba. They are a little more expensive but have good contracts with licensed farmers in South Africa.I have written a lot of articles on Hoodia. Just search Yahoo or Google under my name “Andrew Aitaken” to find them.
a hoodia herb free trial on this site

Sunday, October 25, 2009

Which gym is better? LA Fitness or 24 Hour Fitness?

I want a gym that is comfortable and affordable. I don't want to feel like i have to be a size zero already just to work out.
Here in Dallas 24 hour is better, cleaner nicer clientel etc. I dunno about your town
All those types of gyms are just about the same, it depends on which membership you signed up for, check both of them out, most gyms will give you a free pass for a couple of workouts, compare them and then pick the one you like most.
Well my opinion is that 24 sks..because...they charged my credit card for $400+ without my consent. At the time I was clueless about gyms but they told me that in order for me to have a membership to the gym it was mandatory that I have a personal trainer..which was a total lie. I heard LA Fitness is good...but who one is honest these days...companies care about themselves and not much about their clients. Do some thorough research before deciding where you want to go.I don't know where you live but they are starting to open these new gyms around different cities called Fitness Connection. If you get a membership early on it's only $39/down and $10/mth. They are open 24 hours a day, have free daycare, aerobics and dance classes.

Which gym do you recommend in central London? (prices, min permanence, facilities)?

L.A fitness or fitness first is the only ones id reccomend in central london. Of course their are hundreds of other gyms but the size of their london central ones are pretty good and you get a good service and its simple they are the 2 biggest gym franchise in london. La tifness is the one id go for first just because of simplicity in the amount of machines, free weights and aerobic classes they have, fitness first is also good.You cant really go wrong with either, membership price is about standard. I dont opt for baeuty treatment or spa's e.t.c Id rather spend my time working out and those 2 gyms offer me that. If i wanted more spa, bauety and other homeopathy treatments, relaxtion, massage e.t.c I would go for a more privatised gym that has a high price membership and caters to a specialised crowd.
don't have a clue to your question, just felt sorry for you cos no-one had answered your question and i didn't want you to feel left out.
Just gave me my 2 points, no idea buddie!
i don't got an idea buddy!!

Which fruits are good for weight loss?

anything with low calories will help you lose weight, but low calorie fruits are especially good because they are full of nutrition and are natural too! The lowest calorie fruits have high water content. So try things that are really juicy like watermelon, cantelope, strawberries, things like that. Fruit will also really fill you up because of it's high fiber content. Apples have really high fiber, so try that if you're really hungry.
If you really want to lose weight, you have to eat various, and not too much. Oranges, apples, melons etc. they all are good to eat. you have to eat at least two pieces of fruit and 2 things of vegetables. That is really important. these thins are healthy and if you eat those things every day, and not too much unhealthy food, you will lose weight. and drink loads of water!
passion fruit - ignite your passion every day and night and u will see that u start losing weight :)
banana, apple, mango, orange,
lots of, such as Guava.There are 22 kinds fruits in
Honeydew Melon/watermelonOur body need more calories just to DIGEST the melon, much more calories than the fruit provide.Melon contains Vitamin C and high potassium content, with traces of Vitamin B complex.
Melon also have the diuretic function. The diuretic function of Melon will help body to release fluid. Including melon in your diet can aid in reducing fluid retention.

Which foods best enhance metabolism?

Just wondering which foods or liquids promote weight loss.
Check out the abs power 12
protein builds muscles and burns fat
Hot peppers.

Which foods are rich in Vitamin B-12?

It supposedly retards memory loss.(Pardon the weak pun.)
dark green leafy vegetables
green leafy vegetables and marmite!
Liver! but not everyone likes it. I love liver and onions!
lots of healthy fruit foods!look
Go to this link and they hv a list of the food that contains Vitamin B12. Hope this helps.
Salmon, Trout, eggs, milk. cheese, pork , tuna, some cereals, And liver ( gross). Hope this helps a little,
Foods that are rich in B12 cereals milk seaweed greens thats just a few I also have a B12 injection every three months as my body does'nt absorb it very well. Good luck
Sorry this is a one off paper I wouldn't give it too much credence!B12 is however found in naturally in meat, dairy products and eggs. Other sources include breakfast cereals, to which it has been added artificially.
dairy produce

Which food is better?

Is pizza (canadian bacon %26 pineapple) or a regular grilled cheese better for me?
They both have regular cheese and all the toppings meaning no low fat ingredients, and the grilled cheese has butter and cheddar. I don't want to change the ingredientes, Im only asking which of the two is better to eat? and more so healthier than the other? thanks!
Canadian bacon is notorious for being salty? Ask yourself, do you have problems with water retention. Pineapply is good, but it turns into Fructose. Do you have a problem with diabetes? Cheese is high in protein. The cheese singles I use are made with 2 percent milk. I use Smart Balance Spread. So I'd guess that the grilled cheese in better for you, although I wouldn't do it in a frying pan, I would do it in the broiler. But once in awhile it's okay to indulge in that pizza with Canadian bacon and pineapple, so long as your immediate health permits. Just limit yourself. Don't sit there and eat half a medium pizza. Treat it as a lunch or snack, not a meal.
probably the grilled cheese
it depends on how much of the pizza you are going to eat. but in general i would say the grilled cheese
None of the two is healthy, but for best taste, i think the pizza is good. But i will have second thought before eating the pizza, for i am afraid of gaining weight, how many times should i do aerobics to get those pounds off, i am tired of exercising, so i think i just take a green apple, and try to imagine it is pizza!
prob pizza cuz it has a little bit of fruit? humm...

Which food do you think is best?

Sunchips (harvest cheddar) or baked lays (cheddar one)also which is better for you... canadian bacon pizza or pasta with regular ranch on it (I don't like the fat free, and I just am having one of those two, which is healthier??)
Well considering that they're all processed foods I'd say none are good for you!! However, if you're going to chose look at the calories and fat on each product to decide!

Which food can help speed up digestion in your body?

Fruits, vegetables, teas, and of course WATER! I've also learned that eliminating/cutting down on coffee can help your digestive tract as well.
Fruits and vegetables
2 things will do it: Increase your protein intake, and eat very frequent, portioned meals (mini-meals).Increasing protein intake will boost your metabolism, Try eating about five (portioned) meals a day each containing 35-40 grams of lean protein (boneless skinless chicken breast, canned tuna, egg-beaters or egg ehite omelettes, etc), you can use a whey protein shake for a couple of meals. Don't cut out all carbs, but limit their portions to about 2/3 of a cup per meal and go for lower glycemic index carbs (beans, whole grains, wheat instead of white, brown rice instead of white, etc.) One or two of you carb portions a day can be fruit, and eat as many vegetables as you like.You should have one of these mini meals once every 3-4 hours that you are awake, and then stop at about 7 or eight at night: For example
8:00 Breakfast Meal 1
11:30 Meal 2
2:00 Meal 3
4:30 Meal 4
7:30 Dinner meal 5Another thing that will work is make one day a free day. let's say every Sunday, make that a day where you have no restrictions on your eating and where you really amp up your calorie intake, only to return to 6 more days of eating on plan on Monday.

Which exercise is better?

30 minutes of swimming (lap swim, moderate in a pool) or
30 minutes of cardio (elliptical, treadmill, stair stepper etc)I do both, but what do they all do for me and which is best?
Better is a vague term. In terms of calorie burning, you would lose more by doing 30 minutes of cardio (depending on the level). But swimming works out your entire body (esp your arms) while elliptical, treadmills and steppers are more focused on the lower half and torso (make sure you stand up straight while using them instead of hunching over in order to work out your torso and get in proper oxygen levels).So it's good that you do both because that way you can get an all-around work out.
I think swimming is better because it will make your arms a bit stronger too.

Which do you think would be more attractive..?

a girl who is 5'8 145 pounds or a girl that is 5'8 and 115 pounds?
5'8 and 145 DEFINITELY. You'll have a few womanly curves. Not much, but some. 115 and you'll look like a wire coat hanger.
if the 145 pounder dosent look fat go for her, otherwise which ever one is hotter!
145 is a good weight for a girl who is 5'8... a hell of alot better than 115 lbs!
125. 115 would be even skinnier than most models. 145 would be okay if there is muscle, but if it's all fat than i'd say 135 or 125.
Beauty is in the eye of the beholder. It depends on what ones personal opinion of what "beauty" is, to make that choice
most definately the girl that is 145lbs atleast she isn't stick thin and probably has some curves.
145 def
the one thats 145 pounds by far. 115 is way too small ! it would look sick .
Unless that 115lb girl had a very small frame, that wouldn't be healthy, so 145lb sounds much more attractive.HTH : )

Which diet worked the best for you.?

2.South beach diet.
3.Weight watchers
4.other-explain.And how much did you lose on the one you thought worked best?
I feel that south beach is best out of those choices. I have personally done the Dr. Phil program, Atkins, Body for Life and, BFFM. I do know other people who have had success with south beach. I have lost a lot of weight and now do a little of all of those programs.Contact me at Carmel~ISSA Certified Personal Trainer
I am insulin resistant. After I had my daughter, I tried every diet. South Beach worked for me because it is low glycemic. Low Glycemic diets generally work for most people.
I've always found creating my own diet works best, because I don't have to obsess over what I eat (which causes me to give up). When I diet, I eat lots of fruits and vegetables, keep my meat servings down to the size of a deck of cards and make sure its mostly lean, and limit my bread intake to three slices a day of 100% whole grain bread with fiber. For breakfast I have either toast and eggs or fortified whole-grain cereal or something wholesome like that, for lunch a sandwich with some lean meat and a salad, and for dinner lean meat with a small potato and vegetables on the side. I eat unlimited fruits and vegetables throughout the day, but only the low sugar kind. Potatoes, corn, bananas, and beets are sugary and therefor not unlimited but everything else is. This works because its hard to overeat brocolli, lol. Good luck!
my answer can be found here...
i think it worked best for me if i eat about 1-2 full meals a day,do my daily regular exercise which consists of stretching,sit ups and maybe if i can walk/hike at least about 3x/wk for about 45 mins.
I don't diet. I don't have to. I've watched plenty of people I know gain and lose weight. Diets ? No thank you. Just eat right.
If you're going to go on a diet - the one I would recommend the best is joining a Weight Watchers group. Learning to eat appropriately takes educating yourself and possibly making an appointment with a nutritional counselor. Learning about portion control really helps a lot. The American Cancer Society has a good web page guide on how to determine how much you should be eating:
The Atkins and South Beach diets - while they have many successful weight loss stories, they do not teach good eating habits. Once you return to your regular eating habits, the weight may return, including a few pounds more. Additionally, it has shown that high protein diets place an undue stress on the kidneys making the dieter more susceptible to kidney stones. A 2lb. a week loss over a period of time is considered safe and will result in a more permanent weight loss. Make sure to incorporate an exercise program into your lifestyle to prevent any muscle loss, maintain your metabolism (your metabolism will take a dive if you go on a calorie restricted diet) and help with your weight loss.
i tried atkins and almost passed out.. i tried south beach and it was very good but i dident stick to it. i have never tried weight watchers but my friend has and she lost 50 lbs. right now i eat
1/2 c oatmeal w/fruit
an apple
1 slim fast
1/2 whole wheat sandwich
carrot sticks
dinner is whatever but in a small potion
dessert is any thing low calorie and low fat
i do this all week and can usually take off 1 pound or 2
just write down everything that you eat and treat yourself once and a while
this one:
find calorie/fitness calculator on the net, enter all your stats and it will tell you how many calories you need a day to maintain, take off 300-400cal off that number and thats how much you need to lose.
eat 5-6 small meals a day (eat every 2-3 hours)
5-8 servings of fruit and veggies a day
8 glasses of water
have complex carbs for breakfast - they give you energy
have lean meat (protein) for dinner - repairs muscle
cardio exercise 4-6 times a week for 30-50min, light weight training
dont consume foods that are made of white flour (white bread, cakes, past etc.), sugar loaded foods (cookies, icecream, candy etc) and nothing fried, oily.
ofcourse you can spoil yourself once in a while with a little treat:)
If you want to choice a diet work!
You can visit a site :
http://www.healthylifeday.comIf u want to lose weight
There are some ideas for losing weight
Weight loss is a tricky topic. Lots of people are unhappy with their present weight, but most aren't sure how to change it 鈥?and many would be better off staying where they are. You may want to look like the models or actors in magazines and on TV, but those goals might not be healthy or realistic for you. Besides, no magical diet or pill will make you look like someone else.So what should you do about weight control?Being healthy is really about being at a weight that is right for you. The best way to find out if you are at a healthy weight or if you need to lose or gain weight is to talk to a doctor or dietitian. He or she can compare your weight with healthy norms to help you set realistic goals. If it turns out that you can benefit from weight loss then you can follow a few of the simple suggestions listed below to get started.
You can get the losing weight in site:
It give you more information.---------IF YOU WANT TO LOSE WEIGHT FASTER-----------
I can commend you a great ebook -- Burn The Fat Feed The Muscle!There is a book "Burn The Fat Feed The Muscle".
It is a book for trun fat to muscle. It is healthy method.
It can make you losing weight and it is strong!
you can get it from
if u wana loose weight and become slim switch to detox diets.for detox diets open and there open the pink color links for detox diet recipes and tip s that will help u loose weight at home without exercising
I found a great way to lose weight fast and keep it off. I do body cleansing. I lost 13 pounds in 9 days and then 28 pounds in less than a month. Cleansing will help the body get rid of impurities. Impurites come from a lot of things like fast food, pollution, food additives and preservatives etc. The impurities get stored in the fat in our body. To shrink the fat, we have to get rid of the impurities by cleansing. This made sense to me and I decided to try a cleanse program and it worked. The weight came off fast and this kept me motivated to keep going, not like other diets where the weight loss it too slow. To learn more call the toll free number 1-877-587-4647 or check out the website. Cleansing was good for me. Good luck whatever you decide to do!

Which diet plan is best to lose 14lbs quickly??

I have a graduation ball in 6 weeks and although I am slim now I have put on a stone since giving up smoking. What is that zantac pill like? What do you reccommend
Taking weight loss tablets is a tragically bad idea.Dieting in general tends to lead to a yo-yo effect, which could be great if you want to lose the weight for your ball and then put it back on. It's probably not especially good for you, but in my experience, the atkins diet works well for this.The very best method of weight loss in the world is to exercise. One extra strand of muscle requires thousands of extra joules of energy to maintain. When I was losing weight earlier this year, I found that biking every day for a month increased my stamina, lowered my weight, and boosted my self confidence! It also left me with the freedom to continue eating as I had been before. Great. :)-Tom
Xenical will help you. But it's kinda gross with all of the fats (oil) coming out of your butt anytime and anywhere. I'm 14 yrs old and I used it, it was effective. But I stopped using it because we have classes those days and who wants an oil stain on their butt that smells like fart? But it was effective.And you might wanna try exercise. I recommend Turbo Jam. It'll help you a lot. You can even lose 10 lbs in your first 10 days. With a healthy / low fat diet of course.
More inforamtion inThere is a Calorie calculate programe in
you can calulate your calorie one day!
If u want to lose weight
There are some ideas for losing weight
%26lt;--http://www.healthylifeday.comSeven Laws of How to Lose Weight Naturally1. Make a commitment to whatever it takes. You not only need to know what to do, you also have to manage yourself in such a way that you do it. If you already knew exactly how to get yourself to lose weight and keep it off, you'd be at your perfect weight right now. Without 100% commitment to do what it takes, your goal has no staying power.2. Start from a foundation of happiness. Most people think losing weight will make them happy. But happiness is a mental state that can only be created right now. And nobody wins at any challenge if they're unhappy. So be happy. Accept yourself and your current circumstances and be enthusiastic about the future you're creating.3. Design your own healthy diet plan. Natural doesn't mean spontaneous. As a matter of fact, spontaneous gratification is what gets most of us into trouble. Just like managing your time and money, weight management takes planning and organization. To burn more calories than you consume, based on your lifestyle, how are you going to handle the details? %26lt;--;task=catego...
It give you more information.,.
I found a great way to lose weight fast and keep it off. I do body cleansing. I lost 13 pounds in 9 days and then 28 pounds in less than a month. Cleansing will help the body get rid of impurities. Impurites come from a lot of things like fast food, pollution, food additives and preservatives etc. The impurities get stored in the fat in our body. To shrink the fat, we have to get rid of the impurities by cleansing. This made sense to me and I decided to try a cleanse program and it worked. The weight came off fast and this kept me motivated to keep going, not like other diets where the weight loss it too slow. To learn more call the toll free number 1-877-587-4647 or check out the website. Cleansing was good for me. Good luck whatever you decide to do!
There are very few weight loss pills that really work, especially over the counter ones. Believe me I've tried plenty, including zantrax 3, with little or no results!! The only thing I lost was money and time!!BUT WAIT, GOOD NEWS!! I finally found one that works for me.A few weeks ago I heard about phentermine 37.5mg from someone who lost about 25 pounds in 2 months using phentermine 37.5 mg. Her cousin lost about 50 pounds in 3 months using it. Naturally I was interested in phentermine 37.5 mg and began to do some research on it. After my research I decided to give it a try. So far since I've been taking my phentermine (37.5 mg) I've had great results. I feel like I'm melting. My closes are fitting loser and when I look at myself in the mirror after I get out of the shower I look smaller. I take 1 pill per day as soon as I get up in the morning. About 30 minutes later I go to the gym. I feel so energized and have the best workouts then I have had in a long time. I am able to work out longer and harder. I eat my breakfast when I get home from the gym. I'm not hungry all day and have no cravings for sweets or bad foods like I normally would before I started using phentermine. Because I no longer have the bad cravings I eat healthy small meals throughout the day. Since I'm not hungry anymore, I'm probably consuming about 800-1000 calories per day. The only side effect I have experienced so far is dry mouth. The dry mouth causes me to drink a ton of water, which is great anyway for weight loss success. I'm now drinking about 80 ounces of water a day. Before phentermine I had to force myself to drink water and only drunk about 20-30 ounces a day.I'm very excited about this product. I believe I finally found something that will help me reach my weight loss goal (lose 25-30 pounds). So far, in 10 days I have lost 8 pounds!!! I ordered my phentermine (37.5 mg) without a prescription on 4/19/07 from a website called I received my order in 6 days, 4/25/07. They do have express shipping if you want to receive your order sooner. I paid $199.00 for 90 pills, which is a 3 month supply. I know that sounds expensive, but I checked NUMEROUS web sites and this site seemed to have the best prices and also seemed to be a legit site. If you can get a prescription from your doctor it would be a lot cheaper. Unfortunately, my doctor refused to provide me a prescription because she said I was not obese and she only will prescribe phentermine to obese patients.Now, just something to think about:Phentermine is a GREAT weight loss aide If you don't misuse it or take it for an extended amount of time. However, you should not use phentermine if you have or have ever had heart disease, high blood pressure, arteriosclerosis (narrowing of the arteries), hyperthyroidism (overactive thyroid gland), diabetes, glaucoma, or a history of drug abuse. As with any medication/drug it's always best to consult your doctor. Even though phentermine 37.5mg is working GREAT for me, I firmly believe that regular exercise, eating healthy and drinking lots of water is very very important, not just to accomplish my weight goal, but for the rest of my life! Hope this was helpful and good luck!!

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