Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Why am I always hungry?

I am a bottomless pit when it comes to food, I am 14 years old and 5'6"/115 pounds and I always eat more than my parents combined. I would like to eat more food so I can gain weight but no matter how much I eat I don't gain weight and I am still ravenous. I don't know why I am always so hungry, do you know what can cause this?
You're a growing, developing teenager with a high metabolism. This is wonderful that you're metabolism is so fast, because you will probably not get fat.I worked with a young woman who was 6ft and 120 lbs who was built like a fashion model, yet ate like a horse. She wanted to gain weight, so for lunch she'd have a roast beef sandwich, chips, a soda (not diet), and washed it all down with another sandwich. Not an ounce, she didn't gain even an ounce. Lucky her!You are normal, be glad you've got such a wonderful metabolism.
High metabolism? Also, you should be happy you aren't gaining weight, unless you want to play a specific sport like football (which I highly doubt) you don't need to gain weight.
I am in exactly the same situation. I am ALWAYS hungry but its probably something to do with your metabolism because if you're energetic and you have a fast metabolism, you can process your food quickly. You won't gain as much weight compared to someone who has a relatively slow metabolism.
it is maybe a thyroid problem , visit a doctor

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