Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Why am I always hungry?

I'm not fat at all, I have a fast metabolism, but it seems whenever there is food around I always start eating. And after I'm full, 3 hours later I'm starving again. It's usually a big problem when my dad hasen't gone to the store in a few days, when there barely any food in the house I'm starving like crazy, but when my dad buys food it just goes so fast.Is there something wrong with me?
no nothing is wrong with you, i have the same problem too,...im not fat im thin and i eat ALOT. but since you have such a fast metabolism you have to get food into your system as fast as you lost it. try doing something to keep you busy and not really eat as much. but try not to eat fatty foods. :)
i dont kno...
haha yea thats average after every 3 hours just eat a lot of fruits and vegtables so u get full more and eat less peace
if ur skinny then its ALL good...... for now
omg.. how big is your stomach?!
na food is good, try drinking lots of water. It fills you up and you won't be as hungry.
No as long there is food to eat. As you've said you had a fast metabolism. You are lucky you won't be filing excess fats.
i have the exact same thing im skinny as hell and i eat non-stop so idk really i heard that its is because u digest ur food so fast
i'd rather have a fast metabolism and eat all the time than binge and get fat all too quickly.
from a mom's point of view i would say you are lacking in some essential vitamins and if you are still in your teen years it is pretty normal for this to happen during growing spurts, well it was normal for my crew.
Same with me... I have a very fast metabolism and am very active. It appears that I am "more hungry" when I have nothing to do. You can remedy this if you space your meals. Maybe eat half your plate and then the rest a few hours later. In between eat half a fruit and water. It is very filling... Good Luck!
It could be all in your head. Maybe you trained yourself to behave that way. Seeing the food is the trigger. What you need to do is untrained yourself. A couple of things to try are 1) eat slower. This way you will eat less because you will give your body time to get the message that you are full. 2) eat the right things as in things that are nutrional for you, not potato chips and other junk. 3) drink lots of water, water will fill you up and make you feel less hungry.
no there's nothing wrong, it's just part of having a fast metabolism.
well you may not be fat now, but it sounds like if you continue your eating habits you're going to end up to be fat. start watching what you eat. eat more fruits and vegetables. I'm sure your dad is not very pleased on how much food you consume either. so do it for you and for your dad's sake.
try eatting healthy food with good carbs and well nuts are good fing stuff that keep u full
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It lists a great many information such as1. How to Drop Pound-Packing Habits ;
2. Diet-Busting Foods That May Surprise You ;
3. How to Lose the Last 10 Pounds ;
4. Rev Up Your Metabolism ;
5. Lighten Up Your Favorite Recipes ;
6. Healthy Snacks for Your Diet ;
7. Portion Distortion ;
8. Starting a Successful Diet ;
9. Related Guide: How to Eat Out on a Diet ;
10. Watch Out for these Diet Danger Zones ;
11. The Art of Healthy Snacking ;
12. Managing Your Hunger ;
13. Test Your Portion Size IQ ;
14. Can a High-Protein Diet Help You Lose Weight? ;
15. The Skinny on Diet Scams -
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17. The 3-Hour Diet 2
18. Choosing a Weight Loss Plan ;
19. 5 Weight Loss Myths ;
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21. Ready to Lose Weight? ;
22. How Many Calories Should You Eat? ;
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omg im like totally the same!!!!
all i do is eat im like permenatly hungry
but i found that if i just suck on a massive lollypop permenatly lol i think the one my m8 gav me had acid in it cause i got stoned but anyway. suckon lolliepops between meals
This is very normal. Humans (a long time ago) used to be gatherers, so we'd eat many small meals during the day. I'm guessing like most of us you eat 3 times a day, which is very artificial. What I do is take my normal meal, divide it in two halves, eat one half now, eat one half 2-3 hours later. That way I eat 5-6 smaller meals in a day and I feel full.

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