Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Which will make you burn more calaroies, biking or joggin/running?

It depends on the exertion level you are performing for any one activity. Walking at a fast pace will burn more calories than biking at an easy pace. That said, jogging or biking outside are both great and you should do as many activies as possible to not over train or get bored as well as recriuting as many different muscles.
In my experience on treadmills and exercise bikes at the gym, about a half hour on the treadmill burns around 300 calories while the bike only burns about 250. I know I could up the intensity of either to burn more calories, but those are the levels where I feel comfortable. Both jogging and bike riding are a great workout, but I think jogging is a bit better calorie-burning-wise.
They're both excellent exercises. The one that works best for you will be the one that you enjoy. When you enjoy it, you stick with it and actually exert yourself more during the workout.As mentioned above, you can make either as intense as you want to, at which point they both will burn more calories. Also, burning more calories shouldn't be the main focus of a workout. The main focus should be to raise your metabolic rate, which is what really burns calories, even after you're done with your workout. This would be when your workout is intense enough for long enough, it'll raise your metabolism for several hours after the workout.Obviously, this is something you'd have to build up to. One of the biggest mistakes I see so many people making is hitting it too hard too fast with an exercise routine, then burning out. Also, it's hard to enjoy an exercise you dread doing because it's too hard. You should thne work your way up over time to a level of intensity and length of workout that will be most effective.

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