Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Who do you feel is responsible for the amount of overweight children these days?

The parents. They are the ones who buy the food that is in the house as well as the snacks and they are the ones who let the kids have video games and computers.
The parent(s) and the child (age depending)
Obesity is on the rise for more reasons than people understand. Over eating is not the ONLY reason.Factors in weight gain can be:
Medications, high cholesterol, glandular problems, metabolism rate, diabetes, hormonal agents, thyroid problems, hereditary genes, pituitary gland tumor... and the list goes on. Also, for lower income families (working or not) the cost of healthy food typically costs more. As well as physical activities (soccer, hockey, gymnastics, etc) and with working parents, how can they always find the time for those activities? There are so many factors that play a role in it. Also, things like soda pop cans have become larger than the 60's. Hence another reason obesity is on the rise. A lot more pre-packaged foods are out, chips bags are bigger, etc.
Licenced Paramedic
Parents are.
Kids come home from school and snack on what is available. On the way home from school they buy something from a fast food chain. At lunch at school they use their mobile phones and order pizzas... At school they buy candy and chocolate. At home parents are too lazy to cook and they eat processed food 6 days a week for dinner. At breakfast they eat candy covered cereal with full cream milk and spread chocolate on a butter coated piece of white toast while washing it down with milo.Parents are to blame. Parents don't pack lunch anymore. Parents give them too much money to spend on rubbish food, Parents stock our houses with processed crap for them to eat and Parents eat processed foods for dinner. Who else can we blame but ourselves?We try. We buy fresh fruit and veges and fresh meat for meals and for our children we prepare 20 meals a week at home... which they take with them.. and we give them "zero" spending money. If they want to go to the movies we give them enough to go etc.. They have no allowance.. yet they still manage to find ways to eat processed foods from time to time... this effort pays off a bit but it is a constant battle of wills.
I'd hate to argue, but healthy food does NOT cost more. Expensive food is processed food. Organic definitely is expensive, but just because something says organic, doesn't mean it's healthy. 3 dollars for 10 apples is much better compared to 3 dollars for a tv dinner.
parents and some schools.
schools have vending machines and give out lunches that are basically fast food.
and most kids do not dress out in physical education.
everyone has to make an effort but it begins with the parents.
I think all of the processed foods sold in stores %26 from fast food restaurants play a big part, but also a lot of parents are lazy now days or too busy worrying about other stuff so they just give their kids everything they want just to get them out of their hair.
With all due respect to the paramedic, with the exception of some very rare cases gaining weight is a matter of eating more that you burn off.Kids are and adults for that matter are eating greater volumes of food that have larger energy content then they need, and exercising less. So they are hitting the formula on both factors.When I was a kid, kids hated to come inside, because it meant stopping playing. Today kids have to be forced to go outside. And going to a fast food place was a rare treat.You know people seem to want to blame everything on things like genes and such, but genes don't change in one generation, and the problems with weight and diabetes is this generations new problem
Plenty of blame to go around. TV commercials (they always sell the most unhealthy foods!), sedentary entertainment like video games and the internet, being buried in homework that allows no time for play, parents who dont set a good example, lack of time to prepare healthy dishes, the list goes on.

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